
Comment bien s'habiller pour un entretien d'embauche ?

How to dress well for a job interview?

Choosing your outfit for a job interview is not so simple because it is a clever mix to convey the desired image: chic and professional! Certain outfits are more or...

Comment être élégant à la plage ?

How to be elegant at the beach?

Going to the beach in style means choosing the right items to be both comfortable and elegant. Some purchases are then necessary. Swimsuit, shoes or even accessories, what clothing to...

Comment choisir son maillot de bain pour homme ?

How to choose your men's swimsuit?

When you want to spend your vacation at the beach or at the pool, the choice of swimsuit is decisive to feel comfortable and highlighted throughout the summer. Every year,...

Petit tour de France des looks de vacances

A little tour of France of holiday looks

Summer is here ! Finally. And that only makes us want to: talk to you about look, appearance, style during your vacation. The holidays, do you remember? This time spent...

Le lin est-il victime de sa réputation ?

Is linen a victim of its reputation?

Linen is gradually intruding into all areas of “responsible” textiles. It's impossible these days to open the page of a conscientious fashion brand without coming across a growing number of...

Quelle idée cadeau pour un homme à Noël ?

What gift idea for a man at Christmas?

Every year the holidays seem to come earlier. And each year, we tell ourselves that the next one, we will have had 365 days to find the perfect present. But...

Quel type de chemise offrir à un homme à Noël ?

What type of shirt to give a man for Christmas?

Passionate about style, Sunday dandies, worshipers of materials, eternally dissatisfied, champions of comfort, allergic to T-shirts, sensitive skin, reincarnations of James Stewart, Sunday zazous, family muses, ties by default, models...

Que peut-on retoucher sur une chemise ?

What can you alter on a shirt?

On the same sidewalk as our brand's Parisian boutique, rue d'Aboukir , installed in a sort of nook as if it didn't want to be noticed too much, is a...

Comment raccourcir les manches d'une chemise ?

How to shorten the sleeves of a shirt?

It's like this: some men have no trouble finding clothes that fit them like a glove. For others, it's a completely different story. However, there is no question of giving...

Comment rendre le télétravail agréable ? Conseils d'experts

How to make teleworking pleasant? Expert advice

The effects of the current pandemic have changed our habits in ways that were unthinkable a few weeks ago. And our way of working is part of it. The least...

Porter une chemise en jean : notre guide

Wearing a denim shirt: our guide

Wearing a denim shirt is almost always a good idea. In any case, this was the opinion of Elvis Presley, Marvin Gaye and Bob Marley, who all knew how, in...

Comment bien entretenir votre chemise ?

How to properly maintain your shirt?

Maintaining a shirt is an art that we don't necessarily consider all the issues involved. To wear it well and to wear it as much as you want, it should...

Et si fête rimait de nouveau avec élégance ?

What if celebration rhymed with elegance again?

Gone are the days of elegance? No more evenings where we really dressed up? Who said casual has become the norm? Of course, it's not about wearing a tuxedo every...

Comment (bien) porter la cravate ?
Chemise et moustache font-elles bon ménage ?
Pourquoi devriez-vous adopter le layering ?
Peut-on mêler style formel et décontracté ?